How it works

The Zendesk Connector syncs all of the published Articles in your company’s subdomain.

Some current limitations (a contributor is currently working on extending these):

  • It does not pick up Zendesk Tickets
  • It does not include comments.
  • It pulls all of the articles, does not allow selection by Category etc.

Setting up


  1. The Zendesk Connector requires 3 things to connect:
    • Subdomain of the tenant (ex.
    • Email address of the user to impersonate (owner of the API Token)
    • API Token
  2. See below for instructions on getting the API token



  1. Navigate to the Admin Dashboard and select Add Connector followed by the Zendesk tile.
  2. Provide the information from the section above
  3. Click connect to start pulling Articles from Zendesk. These are sync-ed every 10 minutes.