How it works

The Github Connector picks up all of the Pull Requests and Issues in a specified repository.

  • It will index both Open and Closed PRs. This includes the Title and Summary.
  • It will index Issues and comments both Open and Closed
  • Includes certain other metadata such as the URL, creator, etc.

Setting up


  1. This Connector uses a GitHub Access Token.
  2. Log in to GitHub.
  3. In the upper right corner, expand your profile and click on Settings
  4. On the bottom, go to Developer settings -> Personal access tokens -> Tokens (classic)
  5. Click on Generate new token
    • Be sure to give the Token repo access so that it can access the PRs.
    • Set any expiration time. A new token will have to be provided to RECAP to continue updating the RECAP index once this one expires.


  1. Navigate to the Admin Dashboard and select the GitHub Connector
  2. Put your access token and repository name.