How it works

The Freshdesk connector indexes tickets from your Freshdesk account.

Setting up


  1. Login to Freshdesk
    • The Freshdesk user must be a verified agent, admin, or owner.
  2. Click the profile avatar and choose profile settings.


  1. Select View API Key.


  1. Once you have the API key, you can use it (as well as your domain and password) to authorize your RECAP connector.


  1. Navigate to the Admin Dashboard.
  2. In the sidebar select Add Connector and click on the Freshdesk tile.
  3. Select Create New and then provide your Domain, Password and API Key, along with an optional name for your credentials.
  4. Click Create and your credentials will be saved and automatically selected.
  5. After selecting Continue you can choose a name for your connector and then click Create Connector.
  6. Once you have created your connector RECAP will automatically begin indexing your tickets.