Freshdesk Connector
Access knowledge from your Freshdesk Tickets
How it works
The Freshdesk connector indexes tickets from your Freshdesk account.
Setting up
- Login to Freshdesk
- The Freshdesk user must be a verified agent, admin, or owner.
- Click the profile avatar and choose profile settings.
- Select View API Key.
- Once you have the API key, you can use it (as well as your domain and password) to authorize your RECAP connector.
- Navigate to the Admin Dashboard.
- In the sidebar select Add Connector and click on the Freshdesk tile.
- Select Create New and then provide your Domain, Password and API Key, along with an optional name for your credentials.
- Click Create and your credentials will be saved and automatically selected.
- After selecting Continue you can choose a name for your connector and then click Create Connector.
- Once you have created your connector RECAP will automatically begin indexing your tickets.