Gen AI Configs
Azure OpenAI
Configure RECAP to use GPT models hosted on Azure
Setting up Azure OpenAI Endpoint
To configure RECAP with Azure OpenAI, follow these steps:
- Access the Azure Portal and search for “Azure OpenAI Service”
- Click “Create a resource” to begin setup
- Create a new resource group and complete the required form fields
Wait for the deployment to complete, then navigate to Azure OpenAI Studio at
In the studio, access the chat panel
- Create a new deployment by selecting a chat completion model
Configure your settings and deploy the model
Test your configuration using the chat bar on the right side of the screen
- After validation, click “View Code” to access your credentials
- Locate your credentials:
- API version: The string after
- API Base: The Endpoint value
- API Key: The obfuscated key
With these steps completed, you’ll have successfully set up and configured Azure OpenAI for use with RECAP.