Setting up Azure OpenAI Endpoint

To configure RECAP with Azure OpenAI, follow these steps:

  1. Access the Azure Portal and search for “Azure OpenAI Service”

  1. Click “Create a resource” to begin setup

  1. Create a new resource group and complete the required form fields

  1. Wait for the deployment to complete, then navigate to Azure OpenAI Studio at

  2. In the studio, access the chat panel

  1. Create a new deployment by selecting a chat completion model

  1. Configure your settings and deploy the model

  2. Test your configuration using the chat bar on the right side of the screen

  1. After validation, click “View Code” to access your credentials

  1. Locate your credentials:
  • API version: The string after ?api-version=
  • API Base: The Endpoint value
  • API Key: The obfuscated key

With these steps completed, you’ll have successfully set up and configured Azure OpenAI for use with RECAP.