Curator Role Overview
The Curator role is a role available in RECAP’s Enterprise Edition.
Curators are essentially group level admins.
This role is designed for larger organizations to be able to delegate the task of managing each group’s data to users within that group.
Curator Role Capabilities
Curators are able to do the following for groups they curate:
Add and Remove Users to/from a Group
Curators are able to add and remove Basic users to/from a group. -
Create and Manage Credentials
Curators are able to create credentials for connectors. -
Create and Manage Connectors
Curators are able to create connectors that belong exclusively to the group(s) they curate. -
Create and Manage Document Sets
Curators are able to create document sets that belong exclusively to the group they curate.
Users are then able to add connectors they curate to these document sets. They are also able to add/remove public connectors to/from these document sets. -
Create and Manage Personas for a Group
Curators are able to create and manage personas that belong exclusively to the group(s) they curate.
Curator Role Restrictions
Curators can only edit objects that belong exclusively to the group(s) they curate
If the object a Curator is trying to edit belongs to another group that the Curator doesn’t curate, they will not be able to edit it. However, they will still be able to view it. They will also be able to add/remove it to document sets they curate or remove it from the group they curate. -
Curators cannot create public objects
Curators cannot create/edit public objects such as connectors, credentials, or document sets. However, they can add/remove public objects from other objects they curate.
E.g. A Curator cannot create a public connector, but they can add/remove public connectors to/from the document sets they curate. Same goes for adding/removing public document sets to a group. -
Curators must attach objects they create to a group they curate
If a curator created an object without attaching it to a group, they would not be able to see, edit, or delete that object. So we disallow that possibility.
For a better understanding of how the Curator role works, please refer to the Curator Setup Examples.
Global Curators
Global Curators are identical to Curators except that they are automatically curators of all groups they are a member of.